Natural Resource Governance
Harness the transformative power of natural resource wealth for sustainable and inclusive human development.
US$1.5Testimated to be paid in bribes by businesses and individuals each year
>1Bpeople live in poverty in countries rich in natural resources
Our approach
Ensuring that the citizens of resource-rich countries are the ultimate owners and primary benefactors of their natural resource wealth
by building platforms of collaboration between international institutions, governments, civil society and business, and working across the natural resource value chain to enhance governance, reduce corruption and enable people to have agency and voice in decisions affecting them.
Partners and projects
Leveraging Transparency to Reduce Corruption
Reducing corruption along the natural resource value chain through research and field work that advance transparency, accountability, and participation.
Community Smart Consultation & Consent
Strengthen and scale inclusive and effective natural resource governance by improving consultation and consent practices for the benefit of all stakeholders, including Indigenous peoples, local communities, civil society, government, and the private sector.
From Disclosure to Development
Making disclosed natural resource data accessible and useful to citizens to drive more informed public debate, accountability and decision-making.
Open Contracting in Resource-rich Countries
Helping ensure governments of resource-rich countries spend the benefits of natural resource wealth in a fair, sustainable and corruption-free way to deliver quality services and infrastructure to citizens.
Opening Extractives
Transforming the availability and use of beneficial ownership data for effective governance in the extractive sector, helping to catalyze the availability and use of beneficial ownership data and providing multiyear support to partner countries to implement reforms on beneficial ownership disclosure in the extractive sector.
RISE Ukraine
A coalition of Ukrainian organizations and international partners working on open government and anticorruption reform, RISE Ukraine aims to help build the country back better, making the reconstruction a model of integrity, sustainability and efficiency.
The Governance Action Hub
Expanding the frontier of what is possible in governance action through development entrepreneurship, coordination of local and global action, and an enabling environment for local coalitions; all to support local agency in the solution of government challenges, building trust, and reducing corruption.
Anti-Corruption, Democracy, and Security
Galvanizing collective action to tackle the world’s most profound corruption challenges by building partnerships, platforms for action-focused research and learnings, and clear metrics to measure progress.
Sustaining successful outcomes
It has been the Foundation's privilege to partner with leading organizations for many years on innovative projects, as they now build on the successful outcomes from the project and continue to amplify their impact.
Accountable Mining
Over five years, our support enabled Transparency International to use research, assessment and dialogue to provide a better understanding of, and find solutions to address, the risks and impacts of corruption in the process of awarding mining licenses in resource-rich countries. The now proven evidence base, with the suites of tools and methodologies, continue to be effective in resource-rich countries and their success has attracted further investment to continue this work.
Learn moreProgram updates
View all newsWhere do mining royalties go?
A new interactive platform to promote a better understanding of the flow of resources from mining royalties, from their collection to their transformation into investment projects, has been launched.
21 days ago
Natural Resource Governance
3 online resources to learn about governance and collaborative decision making with Indigenous and local communities
Three comprehensive learning resources to help inform, develop, and enhance knowledge on Indigenous governance and consultation and consent mechanisms are available online and are free to access.
153 days ago
Canada program
Australia program
Natural Resource Governance
The global dynamics of consultation and consent
A new resource to explore what consultation and consent mean in principle and practice in natural resource management, particularly in relation to Indigenous Peoples, has been launched.
179 days ago
Natural Resource Governance
Greater transparency on who ultimately controls and profits from companies is increasing in priority on national agendas
An independent evaluation of the Opening Extractives (OE) programme conducted by Oxford Insights found that OE has proved key in supporting countries to implement changes for improving the transparency of company ownership structures.
222 days ago
Natural Resource Governance