
Collective Effect

Collective Effect (Efecto Colectivo) has been formed with the aim of promoting innovation in education and of teaching the essential skills that children and young people in Chile’s public education system need to face the 21st century’s job market.

Collective Effect is a collaborative alliance, led by Fundación Reimagina and supported by BHP Foundation, which seeks to connect and support organizations that work on: 

  • the development of effective, innovative and scalable solutions to boost the transformation of the teaching and learning model in Chile. 

  • the implementation of solutions already proven in the educational ecosystem, which can potentially generate an impact on different levels, from students and teachers to public policies.

Early in 2024, Collective Effect launched its fund and made a call to organizations to apply to receive technical advice, accompaniment, and funding for up to US$300,000 to not only scale their projects but develop learning systems and collective impact strategies.

Eight innovative educational projects in Chile has been chosen to receive support from BHP Foundation Collective Effect fund.

Collective Effect members


UnlimitED: Construyendo en red colegios sin límites - (Building a net for schools without limitations),

Aimed at furthering fundamental learning for all students within the territory and mainly producing two outcomes: One, network development; and two, continuous improvement processes - by Fundación Enseña Chile along with Pulso Escolar (Antofagasta, Valparaiso, O'Higgins, Maule, Araucania, Los Lagos, Aysen and Magallanes regions).

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Puentes Educativos TP - (Education Bridges TP)

Leveraging the frequent use of technical and professional high schools in rural areas as community centers, the purpose of this project is to strengthen these facilities as an axis of social and educational development — by Fundación Grupo 99 together with ONG Canales and Co Crecer (La Araucania and Los Rios regions).

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Proyecto Aprender - (Learning Project)

This initiative aims at transforming schools into places where students want to stay. To do so, teachers are trained to use active teaching methods centering on Design Thinking and Project-Based Learning — by Fundación Educacional Proyecto Aprender and Fundación Ulmo (Los Rios and Los Lagos regions).

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Modelo Pionero, Transformando la educación en el Valle del Aconcagua - (Pioneer Model – Transforming Education in the Aconcagua Valley)

This initiative seeks to help students strengthen their learning, but, more importantly, their socioemotional and 21st-century skills, so that they can be agents of change —by Fundación Angloamerican along with Corporación Tu Clase Tu País (Valparaiso Region).

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Teatro en la Educación – TELE - (Theater in Education – TELE)

A project embedding the subject of performing arts in the school curriculum, complemented by other components that enhance the overall experience, such as academic field trips to theaters, interdisciplinary projects, contextual deep dive, two-person teaching teams — by Fundación Festival Internacional Teatro a Mil and La Balanza (Antofagasta, Metropolitan and Bio Bio regions).

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Aprendizaje Socioemocional: implementación y evaluación - (Social Emotional Learning: implementation and assessment)

An initiative that has been in place for 5 years promoting socioemotional development with a play-based methodology that strengthens bonds and has led to high satisfaction and perception of impact in over 160 schools — by Fundación Trabün along with First Impact (Metropolitan, Coquimbo and Bio Bio regions).

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Ecosistemas Territoriales de Bienestar - (Territory-Based Wellbeing Ecosystems)

Focused mainly on strengthening the socioemotional well-being of children in contexts of vulnerability and multiculturalism in the regions of Ñuble and La Araucania — by Fundación Kiri in collaboration with Grupo Educativo NeuroUC, Fundación Mustakis and Fundación Impulsate (La Araucania and Ñuble regions).

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Fortalezas del Carácter Astoreca en la Patagonia - (Strengths of the Astoreca Character within Patagonia)

A proposal to assist students from pre-kindergarten to year 4 to build and nurture their character by developing strengths — by Fundación Social Astoreca along with KommPakt, Comunicación en Educación and Fundación Cuenca Viva (Los Lagos and Aysen regions).

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